HeSe/HeHg tube blowing
(too old to reply)
Sean Reeber
2013-12-06 03:46:10 UTC
Good day,

Let me first introduce myself. The name's Sean Reeber. I've been heavily collecting, and researching gas and ion lasers. I've recently moved into the metal ion realm, and am currently working on building a Cu vapor. Haven't decided on the halide yet, if any. The original plan was copper acetylacetonate, Cu(Ac)2.

I am currently finalizing a project, and writing a paper, on the penning ionization of argon in a HeNe, producing 609.07nm.

All of the work on the 609.07nm research was jointed by amazing work on Dr. Sam's behalf. If it weren't for him, this line actually would have never been found.

Just some random tid-bits to at least remove any speculation of me being some random guy looking to make lasers to burn eyeballs, or something similarly gruesome.

I am looking for information on HeSe and HeHg tubes. I've seen designs, and power requirements, things like that. However, I do not know of a source, or someone who blows similar tubes. Or has blown there own. I am 20, and active duty living in a dorm, with 0 glass blowing experience. These don't add up to custom laser tube blowing.

I attempted to email a "Mark Dinsmore", as this is the only gentleman mentioned on the Laser FAQ in regards to building a HeSe. However that lead quickly died when I got a Daemon response for the email not existing. Seems over the years that email has already come and gone.

If anyone here has any experience blowing custom laser tubes, or knows where to look, I would love to be "brought in the loop".

Thank you for anything you can provide.

With thanks,
2014-01-15 13:46:32 UTC
Might be worth putting a post on http://www.photonlexicon.com or
There's lots of knowledge on those groups



"Sean Reeber" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:4793b5ab-9c66-4bc0-9a58-***@googlegroups.com...
Good day,

Let me first introduce myself. The name's Sean Reeber. I've been heavily
collecting, and researching gas and ion lasers. I've recently moved into
the metal ion realm, and am currently working on building a Cu vapor.
Haven't decided on the halide yet, if any. The original plan was copper
acetylacetonate, Cu(Ac)2.

I am currently finalizing a project, and writing a paper, on the penning
ionization of argon in a HeNe, producing 609.07nm.

All of the work on the 609.07nm research was jointed by amazing work on Dr.
Sam's behalf. If it weren't for him, this line actually would have never
been found.

Just some random tid-bits to at least remove any speculation of me being
some random guy looking to make lasers to burn eyeballs, or something
similarly gruesome.

I am looking for information on HeSe and HeHg tubes. I've seen designs, and
power requirements, things like that. However, I do not know of a source,
or someone who blows similar tubes. Or has blown there own. I am 20, and
active duty living in a dorm, with 0 glass blowing experience. These don't
add up to custom laser tube blowing.

I attempted to email a "Mark Dinsmore", as this is the only gentleman
mentioned on the Laser FAQ in regards to building a HeSe. However that lead
quickly died when I got a Daemon response for the email not existing. Seems
over the years that email has already come and gone.

If anyone here has any experience blowing custom laser tubes, or knows where
to look, I would love to be "brought in the loop".

Thank you for anything you can provide.

With thanks,
Sean Reeber
2014-01-19 23:23:25 UTC
I've actually already posted in the PL facebook page.

I am SoulFeast on PL, or Bloompyle on LPF.
