Rocketry N/G !
(too old to reply)
Michael White
2016-10-05 09:04:57 UTC
On Tue, 04 Oct 2016 15:28:40 -0400, SteveGG
All OUR efforts so far use chemical rocketry to provide momentum. This
has many, many obvious disqualifying issues. Something else and much
better must be found if we are to ever really get "out there".
Rocketry should be abandomed and all efforts should be focused on
finding / developing alternatives. After all, no UFO has ever been
seen to use rockets. Good food for thought ...
Obvious question, how to get to those "alternatives" ?
Ironically, the answer can be had from rocketry ! Momentum is obtained
by shooting matter backwards, and the momentum gained is the matter
mass x shooting velocity. Regrettably, the velocity is so very, very
relatively low in this case. So, find something with mass to shoot
much faster, say some exotic particle (with mass) shot at something
much, much, much faster, perhaps in the ultimate, approaching or even
equal to light speed. All the momentum your heart desires !
Use Democrats. They constantly spew limitless amounts of lies
and hot air.
2016-10-05 12:05:08 UTC
Nothing compared to Sh***y Republicans !

Seriously, cations like e.g. Ca++, Fe+++, and especially H+, can be
accelerated via an electric field, etc. I mention H+, because there is
supposed to be some free H2 around in deep space.
2016-10-05 15:25:36 UTC
Post by SteveGG
Nothing compared to Sh***y Republicans !
Seriously, cations like e.g. Ca++, Fe+++, and especially H+, can be
accelerated via an electric field, etc. I mention H+, because there is
supposed to be some free H2 around in deep space.
Well, catching hydrogen atoms and molecules
from the high quality vacuum would be highly ineffective.

some concept of the ion engines already exists,
but are usable only with sufficient long term energy source
and provide low trust, even if they can do so for very long time.
2016-10-05 18:48:38 UTC
Post by Poutnik
some concept of the ion engines already exists,
but are usable only with sufficient long term energy source
and provide low trust, even if they can do so for very long time.
I maintain that improving on this big time, has got to be the plan in
the long term. Chemical rockets just aren't going to cut it. Look how
much is needed to do so very little.

Energy can be nuclear. The matter needed can be extreemly small, if
the velocity is high enough.
